Welcome to San Pedro Island

Find Your Paradise

Welcome to the San Pedro Island

Just off the coast of Belieze lies Ambergis Cay (pronouned “am-BUR-gris key”), which is one of Belieze’s most popular destinations. This includes the main settlement of the town of San Pedro. As a tourist mecca made popular by Madonna, San Pedro boasts great beaches and plenty of dive shops so you can enjoy the sun, sand, and sea.

Sand Pedro is a wonderful island where one can enjoy such benefits as:

  • The San Pedro Barrier Reef is the ‘second-largest’ in the world, the first being the Great Barrier Reef. It is home to a diverse number of species.
  • The Ambergris Museum opened in February 1998 in San Pedro Town, Belize. It covers the history of Ambergris Caye from early Mayan culture onwards.
  • Diving is such a part of the town that many, many people come to Scuba Dive. So many dive here that there are two hyperbolic Decompression Chambers on the island
  • Relax on the beaches, shop in the stores, and work on your tan all at the same time!

BEFORE you visit, don’t forget to visit and register for your Non-Resident Low Speed Vehicle (LSV) Permit, which can be purchased on this site to help you get around to all of these different wonderful locations!